Manage activities, which can be workshops, classes or events.
Manage Locations, which define the details of where you run your activities.
Manage a set of your standard prices as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.
Manage the set of standard messages which are automatically copied to each activity you create.
Manage a set of your standard questions as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.
Manage a set of your standard resource types as "templates" which you can then manually copy to new Activities you create.
Search for Activities
Value: {{i_search_name_activity.value}}
Activities Found (10)
Templates & Defaults
Yoga Retreat 2023
Main Options
Place Booked
Payment Received
Payment Due
Payment Reminder
Payment Overdue
Payment Received
Joining Instructions
Just Before
Just After
Custom Emails:
Custom X
Other Emails:
Invoice Copy
Waiting List Added
Waiting List Place
{{apptext.value.2670}} - {{}}
Email Title
Email Content
Note that some aspects of viewing the populated message will not function correctly until you have added a test attendee!
Message Shortcodes
Sender (values from Settings - Brand/Business)
[From First Name]
[From Last Name]
[From Email]
[Business Name]
[Business Address]
[Contact Details]
[Brand Name]
[First Name]
[Last Name]
[Full Name]
John Smith
[Mobile Phone]
123 456 789
[Other Phone]
789 567 123
[Contact Address]
43 High Street, Anytown, XZ8 7AA
e.g. Yoga Retreat
e.g. Yoga Retreat
[Activity Prefix]
[Clients Buy]
[Location Area]
e.g. Salisbury, England
[Location Name]
e.g. Waterworks Barn
[Location Description]
e.g. Waterworks Barn is in a beautiful countryside setting close to...
[Start Date]
e.g. 24th January
[Start Date Year]
e.g. 24th January 2022
[Start Day]
e.g. Monday
[When Activity Is]
e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022
[On Activity Date]
e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022
[On Event Date]
e.g. on the weekend of 5-6 May 2022
[Invoice Description]
e.g. Attendance at our "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith
[Invoice Details]
[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]
[Price Description]
e.g Early Bird Price
[Payment Methods]
[Invoice Address]
[Invoice Number]
[Invoice Amount]
e.g. £100.00
[Amount Outstanding]
e.g. £50.00
[Payment Due Amount]
e.g. £50.00
[Payment Due Date]
e.g. 28 February
[Payment Amount]
e.g. £100.00
[Payment Date]
e.g. 28 February 2020
[Payment Method]
e.g. Card Payment
[Payment Number]
e.g. 1234
[Payment For]
e.g. Attendance at "Yoga Retreat" on 1-5 January 2022 for John Smith
[Paid By]
e.g. John Smith (Johnny)
[Invoice Details]
[Full details of invoice status, invoice items, payments made and scheduled payments]
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Prices
Price Templates
Times shown are {{user_timezone.value}}
(1) ALL CLASSES - ONE CLASS - Wed 5 Nov 11:00am - Entry Price - £500 (SOLD OUT) (OUT OF DATE)
Start Date: {{availability_start_date}}, End Date: {{availability_end_date}}, Today: {{today_start.datetime}}
10 sold
10/12 sold
Accommodation restricted (10/12)
Available: 1 Jan - 3rd Feb
Pay by instalments
Pay on the door
Deposit disabled
Deposit 50%
Deposit add £50
Final payment XX days before
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Titles
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Descriptions
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Dates
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Settings
Monthly Instalments
Add instalment
Create a list of the monthly payments allowed when your client selects to pay by instalments.
Ensure the percentages add up to 100% (or 99% and the system will round it up for you)
Use [+Add Instalment] to add instalment dates and amounts
Do you really want to delete this instalment?
Ensure the percentages add up to 99 or 100%!
{{`price`, 0, "==").sum(`percentage`)}}
{{current_datetime.datetime}}, {{is_active_local_time.value}}
1 Feb 2020 - 1 Apr 2020
Active at all times
Inactive at all times
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Questions
Question Templates
(1)Mailing Permission
Would you like to join our mailing list?
Comment box
Not shown
Only ask if
Show quantities
Yoga Retreat 2023 - Activity Tags
Email: {{}} ({{apptext.value.520}})
Sent to each attendee at the time of booking to confirm their place.
Sent each time a payment is received which is part of a booking which was made with a deposit payment.
Automatically sent out when someone books and chooses to pay by an non-card based method.
Automatically sent out when an instalment or final payment becomes due.
Automatically sent out when an instalment or final payment is overdue.
Optionally send this with the full details needed for attending the event.
Optionally send this a few days before the event starts.
Optionally send this a few days after the event finishes.
Automatically sent just before each event to remind them to come along.
Test Your Booking Form!
Visit your TEST booking form to see how it looks
and add some test attendees.
Add any name and random email address
as the emails will be created but not sent.
You will be given a test credit card number to use.
Go to the Bookings area of Workshop Angel and
click [Refresh] to view your bookings...
Make sure you are set to view Test Mode bookings
in the top right hand corner of the display.
Going Live
Entering Your Bank Details
You have selected to offer payment by bank account... you now need to enter your bank account details below.
(To edit them in the future, go to Settings - Business Settings).
Testing a Live Payment
Now you have entered your Stripe keys, you need to test they work before putting your activity live.
Click below to make your first live booking, onto an activity called Stripe Test.
Use your
your own
payment card - it will only cost
Check payment was registered
Setting Up Card Payments Through Stripe
You have selected the business {{}} for this activity and the Stripe keys for this business have not been set up.
If you
want to select a different business for this activity, do this in the [4. Settings] area.
Before you can go live, you need to link Workshop Angel to a Stripe account so you can take credit card payments.
Creating a Stripe Account
If you don't have a Stripe account for your business, click here to create one.
Once created, follow the instructions to
"authenticate" your
Make sure you
use a complex password and we recommend also setting up two-factor authentication.
This account will contain your money and you don't want it being hacked!
(If you work with different currencies, you should
set up the Stripe account in the same
"accounting" currency as you have set on the Settings - Business screen in Workshop Angel, which is currently set to {{}}.)
Linking to Stripe
You need to generate 4 different "keys" in Stripe: each is a series of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies your Stripe account.
Like Workshop Angel, Stripe works in Test and Live modes.
There is a "Publishable key" and a "Restricted Key" for each mode.
Navigating to the "API Keys" Area of Stripe
In Stripe, go to the Developers - API Keys area:
Adding The Test Publishable Key
In Stripe:
Set "Viewing test data" ON.
Click on the Publishable Key text beginning "pk_test_"
This copies the key to your clipboard.
Here in Workshop Angel:
Click on the [Change] button in the box below
Edit - Paste the key into the field
Click on [Save]
The start and the end of the key will be shown to indicate it has been saved.